Top Floor welcomes everyone 16 and over, who are officially withdrawn from school, to work on their HiSET and/or GED preparation.

EXCITING NEWS! The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is now paying the HiSET and GED fees of all residents! Taking the tests is now FREE. Please click HERE for more information!
Massachusetts residents have two options to achieve their high school equivalency. We offer tutoring for both – the GED and HiSET tests. Students can arrange for placement exams to assess what skills need improvement, and then will be matched with a tutor until both agree that the student can comfortably handle their HiSET or GED goals.
The placement test(s) can be administered at Top Floor Learning, and are free. There is no commitment if you take the placement test(s). Please contact us to make an appointment. Once we know what you need to work on, we can match you with tutors in the subject area(s) you wish to work on.
What do the GED and HiSET test?
Both exams test language ability/writing, math, science, and social studies. Please check out the Mass.Gov website for more information on requirements. Students can pick and choose between the GED and HiSET for their individual tests.
Suggestions for GED/HiSET Students
If you had an IEP in school, we highly recommend getting copies of that paperwork as soon as possible to file for whatever accommodations you might be due during test taking – extra time, quiet space, scratch paper, sign language interpretation, etc. We do have tutors who have experience with many IEPs, and we will do our best to give you the support you need to prosper.
We suggest you come in and take one placement test at a time. More than that is a bit overwhelming, especially if you’ve been out of school for awhile. The placement tests can be graded as you wait.
It’s highly recommended that you check out both and – you can make free accounts on each website. On the GED website, here is the only free test prep material we’ve found, everything else costs money. Free test prep material is all over the HiSET website, though there are also paid prep materials as well.
Top Floor also has extensive prep resources on our shelves available to you to study from. Let us show you around what’s available to use while you’re here, and what you can take home!