Top Floor Learning, a privately funded non-profit corporation, has been helping others help themselves for 35 years with its Adult Basic Education programs. What makes Top Floor Learning unique is its personalized instruction.

1-on-1 Private Tutoring
- Basic Reading, Writing, and Math Skills
- High School Equivalency (GED/HiSET) preparation
- English Language Instruction (including conversation classes)
- Citizenship Preparation
- Tutoring for specialized licenses and tests (e.g. ASVAB, SAT, TOEFL, and others)
- Basic Computer Skills
Vital Statistics (2018-2019)
- 1510 hours of volunteer time via 58 volunteers
- 27 volunteer tutors
- 13 board members
- 6 administrative assistants
- 44 activity volunteers
- 80 students matched (1:1 Tutor)
- 2 Scrabble Nights, 88 Participants
- 12 Game Nights, 24 Participants
- 40 Individuals/Businesses/Corporations supported 2 Scrabble Nights
- 57 Individuals/Businesses/Corporations donated to the May Baskets
- 24 Surrounding Cities and Towns Served
- 258 Business donors, foundations, organizations, in-kind and individuals supported TFL
- 130 individuals received educational guidance
About Us
Since 2004, Top Floor Learning has provided a wide range of adult literacy programs and lifelong learning courses, workshops, and computer classes to the residents of the Quaboag Hills region and surrounding areas. Our goal is to provide affordable, high-quality programs and give value to our community.
- Top Floor Learning was incorporated in October 2003, building on the legacy of Literacy Volunteers of Quaboag Valley.
- We are a non-profit 501 (C)3 organization
- Adult literacy services have been provided in the Palmer Public Library since 1978
- We are located on the third floor of the Palmer Public Library, but we are a separate entity with our own 501(C)3 status, mission, staff, and board of trustees
- We are self-supporting – we do not receive state or federal income
- We depend upon donations and in-kind support from interested individuals, corporations and foundations. Their investment in our mission allows us to continue providing quality adult literacy services
All tutors in the Adult Literacy program are specially-trained volunteers and we are indebted to them for their service and commitment.